Thanks, Elise!
Thank you, Elise, for your fine work
Friday, January 18, 2019
Let’s celebrate a job well done!
Thank you Elise Fetzer for your faithful service to LoopNaz. You are a credit to your parents, your home church, and Olivet Nazarene University.
During her last semester break of her last year of college, from December 16, 2018 to January 13, 2019, Elise spent 88 hours over the course of 18 days with us in Chicago as part of her cross-cultural ministry field experience toward her Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies.
This was a holiday season neither Elise nor any of us will soon forget, she:
- Rode the entire ‘L’ in a single day
- Joined us for fifteen of our daily prayer walks (some 75 miles on foot!) and four Sunday gatherings
- Interviewed the First Deputy Commissioner for the Chicago Commission on Human Rights and the Administrative Assistant to Alderman Pat Dowell of the City’s 3rd Ward
- Attended a mayoral forum on public housing and a district pastor’s meeting in Kankakee
- Volunteered with our neighbors experiencing homelessness at Pacific Garden Mission
- Spent her first night ever in the city—at a hostel!
- Took her first ever trip to Chinatown
- Hosted her professor and a group of classmates, showing them the Loop through new eyes
- Discovered a new way to pray in the midst of a family member’s cancer diagnosis.
- Went canvassing around the neighborhood, introducing LoopNaz to local storefront business
- Read four books and wrote 18 blog posts in her spare time
And those are just some of the highlights.
A conservative estimate is that Elise traveled upwards of 1,000 miles on public transporation over the course of 35 additional hours. And we couldn’t be more proud of her for her dedication to our mission. She is an exemplary student, and is sure to be profound leader in the church and society.
Congratulations, Elise! We’re looking forward to watching your future unfold and welcoming you to back Sweet Home, Chicago again soon!