Join Us

Whether you live nearby or you’re just visiting for a few hours, we’d love to meet you, pray with you, and share the love of Christ with more of our neighbors together.

If you live nearby or commute here for work, then we want to share a meal with you—soon. Please contact us so we can get something on the calendar that works for you. No hidden agenda—we just want to be good neighbors.

If you’re a business owner or think your employer might be interested, then we’d love to explore ways we can partner together to share compassion with our neighbors in greatest need.

If you visit downtown often, then we want to pray with you as often as you’re in the neighborhood. (We can eat together, too.)

If this is your first time in the Loop, then welcome! We’re glad you made the trip! Please let us know how we can help make you’re time here meaningful—even if you just need directions somewhere. We’d be happy to spend as much time together as you can spare.

And even if you’re not likely to be in Chicago anytime soon, then we’d still like to stay in touch. We have a Nazarene family around the globe who can be available at a moment’s notice, and we believe God’s love knows no bounds.

We want to pray with and for everyone we can.

Anyone is welcome at our Sunday table.

And all of us can share the love of Christ.